ALLT du behöver veta om matchen mellan Badr Hari vs Rico Verhoeven !

Matchen alla har väntat av är bokad i december på Glory Collision: Badr Hari vs. Rico Verhoeven!


Matchen som har alla har väntat av kommer äntligen att gå av. Dem två största namnen inom kickboxning kommer efter lång väntan få möta varandra. Om du har följt kickboxning tillräckligt länge så vet du att matchen mellan Rico och Badr är vad fansen efterfrågat mest på senaste. Det kommer att bli en intressant matchup, trots att Badr Hari inte är i sin ”prime” längre och Rico Verhoeven är i sin just nu. Allt började med att Badr Hari la upp en target list på vilka som han vill ta och efter det har det bara spårat. ckxlhmsxaaadkby Badr Hari har 106-12 i record och hela 94 av dem kommer via KNOCK OUT. Han har haft en hel del trubbel utanför ringen och även innanför ringen, som till exempel när han blev av med chansen att bli K-1 World Grand Prix Champion genom att sparka på Remy Bonjaski när han låg ner. Han har skapat rubriker i princip nästan varje månad med något dumt han har gjort men det hindrar inte honom från att fortsätta tävla i hög nivå. Rico "The Prince of Kickboxing” Verhoeven har 48-10 i record där 12 av dem är via K.O. Han är regerande Glory Heavyweight Champion, men denna match mellan dem kommer inte att handla om något titelförsvar. Det kommer vara en vanlig 3 x 3 min kickboxnings-match som kommer förmodligen att hålla hus i Tyskland i december under Glory Collision: Badr Hari vs. Rico Verhoeven.

Badr Hari - “I’m going to knock Rico out which makes his title worthless”

Både Rico och Badr är uppvuxna i Holland och det blir en av Hollands absolut största matcher på väldigt länge. Eventet kommer att hållas i Oberhausen, Tyskland den 10e december på Glory World Series: Collision. Vi har här nedanför lagt upp fightcard, teasers och trailers, intervju med Rico Verhoeven, intervju med Mike Pasenier, presskonferansen och lite annat.

Köp biljetter här!

Badr Hari vs. Rico Verhoeven || GLORY COLLISION TEASER


Heavyweight bout (3×3): Rico Verhoeven (NLD) vs. Badr Hari (MOR)

Welterweight World Title: Nieky Holzken (NLD) vs. Cedric Doumbe (FRA)

Co-Main Event: Ismael Londt (SUR) vs. Jamal Ben Saddik (MOR)

Super Bantamweight Grand Prix Final Bout:


Lightweight World Title: Sittichai Sitsongpeenong (THA) vs. Marat Grigorian (ARM)

Lightweight Tournament final: TBA vs. TBA

Co-Main event: Mosab Amrani (MOR) vs. Fabio Pinca (ITA)

Lightweight Tournament semi-finals: Yodkhunpon Sitmonchai (THA) vs. Hysni Beqiri (SWI) Davit Kiria (GEO) vs. Anatoly Moiseev (RUS)

GLORY 36 Superfight Series

Light-Heavyweight bout: Danyo Ilunga (CON) vs. Michael Duut (NLD)

Co-main event: Harut Grigorian (ARM) vs. Danijel Solaja (GER)

Super Bantamweight Grand Prix Semifinal B: Tiffany van Soest (USA) vs. Jessica Gladstone (CAN)

Super Bantamweight Grand Prix Semifinal A: Isis Verbeek (NLD) vs. Amel Dehby (FRA)

Badr Hari VS Rico Verhoeven Press Conference  

Badr Hari talking:

“When Rico talks about ‘old school vs new school’… I am 31, what does he think, I’m 41 years old!? And when I was his age I completely crushed Semmy Schilt and Peter Aerts and all the guys that were highly respected,” Badr said. “Sure I feel 31. I am wiser with the years. My entire body is at its peak. I feel good. He got me out of bed by challenging me. And now he’s going to get it. Rico was saying this is a “fun” fight. Fun fight don’t exist in this sport. You know what’s fun? Tennis. I’m knocking him down on December 10th.” “I have been fighting in this sport for a long time. When he spoke about the past era, back then there were a lot more competitive fighters. Nowadays, there are less…. My motivation for the sport went away when the K-1 era ended,” he said. “At the time there were big guys around that motivated me to work hard. Every K-1 fight was a 50/50 match, so I worked really hard for those fights. I would go to the gym, work hard for it. And when K-1 went down, many fighters thought ‘You can’t perform on a bigger stage [than K-1], so now what?’ “You can do some fights here and there, but it’s not really my style to do those kind of fights. So at that point I lost all motivation,” he revealed. “Rico is the heavyweight champion, you have to respect the belt. But he’s been saying I don’t want a five-round fight [at GLORY: COLLISION] and that’s why it can’t be for the belt. I want to clear this up. It’s not that I don’t want to fight five rounds, I am just thinking in terms of other opportunities. He thinks this is a fun fight for honor and thinks it’s a joke. I’m a street fighter. And money is what motivates me into the ring. [GLORY matchmaker] Cor Hemmers, get ready for Rico to lose this fight, because the value of the belt will be zero when he loses. If I knock down Rico in the first round, the belt is worthless. So then what’s the next fight? If he loses this fight, we will have to do a title fight. For the real deal. So it’s a two-time payout for me. This one is a warm up, the next will be for the title. That’s the whole idea behind it for me. Rico thinks of 5 rounds, I think of two payment rounds. So, now it should be clear to everyone how I perceive this match.” Verhoeven was rather muted during the course of the conference but he did speak.

Rico Verhoeven talking:

“I definitely think it will be over quick, but it will go my way. I am in top shape. You can’t prepare for a top guy like me in just four months,” he said. “I feel good. I am ready for this fight. I was ready a few months ago, I am ready now. For me the fight could be next week. Badr is getting ready, I was already ready.”

Intervju med Rico Verhoeven

Interviewer: Do you have any idea about Badr’s current shape? Rico: “Well it’s hard to miss that, his fans keep me posted about it on Social Media by sending me pictures, comments etc. Interviewer: What do they say? Rico: “He’s gonna kill you, he’s gonna murder you etc. It’s no problem for me.” Interviewer: Are your fans sending the same stuff to Badr do you think? Rico: “I’ve absolutely no idea, but I don’t think so to be honest.” Interviewer: I can imagine you would be nervous to meet him for the first time. A few weeks ago I personally met him and to be honest… I was kinda intimidated.  Rico: “Well yeah, sometimes people tell the same about me…” Interviewer: No this is different, I also met you for the first time and I thought: hmm nice guy. Rico: “Everbody has a certain appearance or karma around him. He’s got something scary about him because of everything he has done outside of the ring. People think like oeew it’s Badr Hari, but in my opinion Badr can be a very relaxed dude as well.” Interviewer shows answer of Mike Passenier: “There is no other fighter with a gas tank like Rico. He’s probably the fittest fighter of the heavyweight division. But in my eyes he isn’t a real fighter, he’s just a good athlete. We are real fighters… we come to brawl and to knock people out and that’s the difference.” Rico: “It’s just how you look at it. From their perspective I’m not a real fighter because I don’t brawl. I approach a fight totally different compared to them… with controlled aggression.” Interviewer shows answer of Mike Passenier: “Do you think we’ll reach the 3rd round?! I think we’re done in round 1 or 2. That’s it with Heavyweight fighters, one punch or kick and it can be over. That’s the beauty of the game.” Rico: I also don’t think the fight is gonna reach the 3rd round to be honest. Interviewer: So how will it end, with a punch or a kick?  Rico: I think with a punch. If I’ll hit him he’ll do the chicken dance.

Intervju med Mike Passenier - Badr Haris tränare

Mike Passenier som är känd för att äga Mikes Gym i Holland samt vara huvudtränaren för Badr Hari hade nyligen en intervju om den kommande machen.

Interviewer: December the 10th Badr vs. Rico, is this the fight you’re looking forward to for years now? Mike: “Well I’m looking forward to every match but of course this is something special. The new champion vs. the overall champion. Now we’re finally going to see who’s best. This is a very important match for kickboxing in general, mainly because we’ve the chance to make the sport a little bigger. It got the media’s attention and everybody is looking forward to this fight. A great moment for people to see how beautiful this sport really is.” Interviewer: Rico challenged Badr, what are your thoughts about it? Mike: “A couple of weeks ago someone send me a video of Rico challenging Badr on Dutch television. I immediately called Badr and I said: Badr… we can’t let him challenge us like this without doing anything, Badr responded: You’re right, let’s start training Mike.” Interviewer: And now the date is set, isn’t it a crazy idea that it’s really happening? Mike: “Not for us… There’s no way back for him now. He can talk a lot on tv, but it’s gonna be different for him when he can look Badr in the eyes.” Interviewer: Remy Bonjasky told us: Rico is good at everything, he’s got a lot of weapons but he doesn’t score a 9 or a 10 on any aspect of his arsenal and Badr does.  Mike: “There is no other fighter with a gas tank like Rico. He’s probably the fittest fighter of the heavyweight division. But in my eyes he isn’t a real fighter, he’s just a good athlete. We are real fighters… we come to brawl and to knock people out and that’s the difference.” So what do you think… a KO victory in round 3? Mike: “Do you think we’ll reach the 3rd round?! I think we’re done in round 1 or 2. That’s it with Heavyweight fighters, one punch or kick and it can be over. That’s the beauty of the game.” Interviewer: Is this also your style of training? Mike: “We’re always going for the knockout. That’s why people love Badr. He doesn’t come to score points or to hug. A fight is a fight, that’s what we do and what we’re known for. ” Interviewer: Is Badr’s conditioning looking good at the moment? Mike “We’re working on it, you can see the pictures on Instagram. It looks a little better than us haha.” Interviewer: What are you looking forward to the most? Mike: “The moment we’re in the ring. When we’re putting the heads against each other and then we’re going to get him.”

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